Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

In this  programme we share with you our synopsis of Napoleon Hill’s iconic book,Think and Grow Rich. Although written in 1937, this book remains ever relevant, and continues to be widely read and referenced by business professionals, entrepreneurs and personal development coaches to this day. When it comes to advice on the psychology of success creation there is no other book like it. Starting out with the principle that success is fundamentally a mind game, Hill’s book is full of principles, practical exercises and anecdotes, that will allow you to develop what he calls “success consciousness”. What is remarkable about this book is that you can use Hill’s principles to succeed now, whichever profession you choose to focus on.

Our Think and Grow Rich programme will provide a synopsis of all of Hill’s key insights. We get at the heart of the ideas presented in each chapter of the book, providing you with the clearest statement yet of the foundations of Hill’s thought. The person taking this programme will be delighted at the extraordinary awareness that they gain of how to shift their mindset to create success.