The Power of Learning from DAD

Welcome to The Power of Learning from DAD: an educational programme brought to you by Dr. Selva Pankaj. The thoughts that are contained in these lessons will cause you to make significant changes to your way of thinking and in turn bring greater success to your life.

The programme draws together lessons that the author has learnt from his father, blended and contextualised with teachings from a great number of experts in the field of personal development. Hence DAD is here represented as an acronym, standing for Desire, Attitude and Decision and the focus is not only the lessons passed from father to son, but also the principles distilled from these interactions, mixed with expert thinking and on-going research on how success is created and maintained.

The thinkers whose ideas and insights are incorporated here include: Napoleon Hill, Wallace D Wattles, Bob Proctor, Steven Covey, Maxwell Maltz, James Allen, Warren Buffet and many others. Each video lesson covers one of the attributes required for success, including action, character and leadership. In each case, and throughout all of these lessons, we will provide you with practical, actionable advice, examples and principles that will enable you to shift your perspective and transform your mind-set.

By utilising the principles outlined to you in this training programme, Dr. Selva Pankaj turned a £20 private tuition business into an international a multimillion-pound educational company. Through anecdotes and personal biography, we will share with you here exactly how this success was created through an understanding of the laws of nature and an ability to transmute desires into results. By applying the principles outlined in each of the lessons, we trust that your own level of success will increase exponentially. We are so excited to be able to share this journey with you.

Here is to your continued success, with The Power of Learning from Dad.

How to complete this programme
  • This is a form of asynchronous learning, so lessons can be watched at your own pace.
  • There is a book that goes along with each of the lessons. We recommend that you watch the lessons alongside reading the POL.DAD book, which is frequently referred to in lessons, and which provides greater depth and context to lessons.
  • Repetition is key. We recommend that you watch the lessons more than once so that the key concepts are clearly understood, internalised and acted upon.
About the author:

Dr. Selva Pankaj is the proud husband and father of two children. He is launching this programme on his 50th birthday. The programme represents insights that Selva has gleamed from his father and from his own research into human potential. Born in Sri Lanka to supportive parents, Selva arrived in the UK as a refugee at the height of the civil war in Sri Lanka. He completed all sorts of jobs, before he was able to afford the opportunity to study in the UK. Selva graduated as a charted accountant, and while working full-time, he needed to make additional income to support his growing family. It was at this time that Selva started a private tuition business, teaching economics to students for £20 the hour. From that tuition company grew Regent Group, an international multimillion-pound educational business. With the Regent Group motto being the end of education is character, personal development has always been of interest to Selva. This interest was strengthened when studying at Harvard under Professor Clayton Christensen. This programme is an expression of Selva’s learning from a variety of sources, most especially from his own father to whom the book is dedicated.