Lesson Seven Worksheet Lesson Seven MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn about the Terror Barrier.  Any time you set a goal that results in skipping a couple of rungs on the ladder of success, you will come up against The Terror Barrier.
  • Realise that with any major change in your behaviour, the terror barrier will instantly and automatically be standing between you and the good that you desire. When this happens you have a choice—you can step back into safety and continue to experience the same results year after year, or you can be courageous and experience the growth that you have been seeking.
  • Study the Four Steps in the Psychological Process of Experiencing Growth Dealing With the Terror Barrier:
    • Step A Bondage:  This is when you are getting limiting or ‘X-type’ results.  ‘X’ is the unknown factor which represents limiting thoughts or results.
    • Step B Reason: This second step in the psychological process is called ‘Reason’.  This is when you reason with yourself that you wish to change your results and you choose different thoughts and create an idea of living a life that you do want.  A person in Reason phase is thinking ‘Y’ type thoughts. However, the ‘Y’ type thoughts are in the conscious mind only and have not been internalised and therefore they do not act on it.
    • Step C Conflict: The third step is ‘Conflict’  The individual needs to become emotionally involved with the new ‘Y’ idea.  To do that, they must ask two questions: 1. Am I able to do this? And 2, am I willing to do whatever it takes. The answer is Yes.
    • This is the moment that Y-Type idea is impressed upon the X-Type conditioning. The electrical system in the individual’s body then goes haywire and they are in an ‘XY’ vibration.  The ‘Y’ idea represents the new positive idea that the person wishes to implement. The ‘X’ represents the limiting conditioning.  Worry, fear and anxiety will strike!
    • This is because the new positive ‘Y’ idea is driving them ahead and the negative ‘X’ conditioning if pulling them back.
    • The conflict makes it so they cannot go ahead, they don’t want to go back and they cannot stay where they are.  Going ahead is the solution and it is how their life will improve.
    • However a lack of understanding of exactly what is taking place inside the person causes the person to retreat to familiar territory.
    • They quickly bounce off the ‘Terror Barrier’ all the way back to Bondage. It is comfortable and they settle for it.
    • Step D Terror Barrier: 
      Whenever you make a serious change to your life such as entertaining a ‘Y’ type idea and moving out of your comfort zone, you will run up against the ‘Terror Barrier’.  The ‘Terror Barrier’ will instantly and automatically be standing between you and the good you desire.
    • At the point of ‘Conflict’ is when you will hit the ‘Terror Barrier’.  One of two things will happen at this stage.  You will either hit it and step back into ‘Bondage’ or you will break through it to ‘Freedom’.
    • It is YOUR choice – you can step back into safety and continue to experience the same results year after year, or you can be courageous and experience the growth that you have been seeking.
    • Accept that the solution is that you will need to experience the fear, the worry and the anxiety.
    • It is the understanding of what is causing the fear which enables you to get through the ‘Terror Barrier’.
    • You cannot let a fear of failing stop you from going through ‘The Terror Barrier’. You only fail when you stop trying.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Thomas Troward, ‘The Principle of Guidance’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 7 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.