Lesson Six Worksheet Lesson Six MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn that you are programmed within the deep recesses of your mind with a perception of what you are, who you are and what you are worth. This is referred to as an inner self-image.
  • Understand that you also have an outer image. It is the one that you project to the world by the way you walk, talk, dress and meet and greet other people. That image is the outer expression of the inner image.
  • View your results as a reflection of what is going on internally. If you have a negative or bad image of yourself, your results are going to be a reflection of that image. You are the only person in the entire world that has the ability to alter or improve your self-image.
  • Improve your life.  There is an image of perfection that is resident in the centre of your consciousness. The more you move in the direction of that image, the more your life will improve. There is no end to the good that you can experience as you develop a greater awareness of the perfection that does lie within you.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘Destiny in the Balance’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 6 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.