Lesson Eleven Worksheet Lesson Eleven MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn about the concept of the ‘impression of increase’ which is to leave someone you meet feeling good about themselves and about their interaction with you, regardless of whether you will see them again or not.
  • Start looking for what other people do well. Bring it to their attention. Let them know you notice it. Leave the impression of increase with every person you meet.
  • Understand that energy always returns to its source of origination. Give and you shall receive. If you can incorporate this into your thinking, you are going to have a richer life.
  • See the best in other people and know when you leave someone with the impression of increase, that positive energy will flow to and through you first. When you see the best in other people, in your Educational Institution, in other situations and circumstances, you are going to be in a phenomenal vibration. You are going to feel good all the time.
  • Develop the ‘Impression of Increase’ in your character. The compensation is phenomenal. It goes beyond the scope of your imagination.
  • Learn that you do not get rich by doing certain things – you get rich by doing things in a certain way. (The certain way is by law.)
  • Give your best. The law says what you give is what comes back.  It does not matter what anybody else is doing. You want to make certain that you are one of the most effective human beings you could ever be. Do things in a certain way.
  • Learn how what you think controls your emotions; and your emotions control the vibration that your body is in. Your vibration controls your action and your action controls the reaction of the universe that you are a part of.   It is when the action and reaction meet that your results are manifested.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Thomas Troward, ‘Touching Lightly’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 11 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.