Lesson Ten Worksheet Lesson Ten MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn to become an intelligent follower. Become the best follower that you are capable of becoming. The person who is not a good follower is never going to be an effective leader.
  • Recognise that a great leader has a great attitude. A leader will automatically look for and find the good in others.
  • Learn how leaders create an environment that bring out the good in others which is why the leader is the person others want to follow.
  • Understand how an effective leader understands who they are, takes control of their own life and leads themselves in the direction they want to The effective leader knows how to give themselves a command and follow it. Effective leaders understand their creative abilities; they know they have the capacity to create anything they want in their world, whether it is on an individual basis or as the leader of a team or organisation.
  • See how an effective leader maintains a good attitude regardless of what is going on outside.
  • Learn that leaders know where they are going and although they have plans, they do not know how they are going to get there. They only know they are going to get there. They will change their plan but never the goal.
  • Understand if a person is not prepared to do more than they are being paid for, they will never be paid for more than what they are doing.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘The Person on the White Horse’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 10 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.