Lesson Three Worksheet Lesson Three MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Examine Paradigms more deeply.  Paradigm is a term used to describe a mass of information that is programmed into an individual’s subconscious mind, genetically at the moment of conception and then environmentally after birth. This information, or the paradigm, is then expressed in behavioural patterns producing the results a person gets in life.
  • Be aware that the paradigm is what structures a person’s logic.
  • Gain a deep understanding of paradigms and how they  shape a person’s perception.
  • Recognise paradigms have enormous influence over the use of a person’s conscious faculties, if and when they use their imagination, they will generally unconsciously use it in a negative manner against themselves. An individual will create an image in their mind where they see the conditions and circumstance as the dominant role and they become subservient to them which puts them in a position that prevents them from moving forward.
  • Understand that in order for an individual to make a shift in logic and break out of that box to freedom, then understanding, courage, and determination is required.
  • Be aware that paradigms are either positive or negative and are expressed in either positive or negative results. If a person experiences recurring negative results, it is important that they understand the cause of the problem does not lie with the circumstances or conditions outside of them, the cause is within—it lies with their paradigm.
  • Understand that it is the paradigm which attracts the conditions or circumstances that contribute to the problem. With the proper understanding an individual has the ability to change the paradigm.
  • Identify the results that you want to improve in your life and understand that results are the manifestation of an image held in your subconscious mind. It is a part of your perception of what you are capable of achieving or accomplishing.
  • Improve your habits and change paradigms which will have an effect on all areas of your life, not just your academic life.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted by Earl Nightingale, ‘Acres Of Diamonds’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 3 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.