Lesson 21: Leadership

Lesson 21 : Leadership – Part 1

Lesson 21 : Leadership – Part 1 MP3

Lesson 21 : Leadership – Part 2

Lesson 21 : Leadership – Part 2 MP3


Lesson 21 – Leadership – Part 1

In this lesson, we will consider the value of leadership, leading through times of crisis and the attributes of exceptional leaders.

The need for strong leaders is especially important in a time of crisis. The true goal of leaders is to get others to think well of them, but the goal of an exceptional leader is to get individuals to think highly of themselves. The exceptional leader is the only type of leader that can navigate in times of crisis and ensure that their organization endures, even flourishes, in the post-crisis economy. Here we can think of the great depression as an excellent example of how leadership works in times of crisis.

Leadership through crisis: In the great depression thousands of industries prospered, in part because they had a positive mental attitude and they had great leaders. Many individuals and organisations were thinking anew how to restructure their offer, their products and services, their communications with clients, the pricing structures and incentives etc. This is where new opportunities are seized and new ways of doing things are developed. What it is most important to remember is that regardless of economic ups and downs industry will not shut down completely in times of crisis, thus there will still be opportunities for those who discover a way to continue to provide useful, relevant and valuable service. The men and women who are truly outstanding will find that they actually create and consolidate opportunities in times of crisis.

The value of a good leader: Every organisation from the smallest to the largest requires a leader. Very often, that leader will be just one person. Even with committee structures and boards, you will find that when trouble hits, the shareholders of the organization turns to this one person for direction and support. This structure is based on the laws of nature. Leaders bear responsibility for the smooth operation of businesses and industries. You will find them at the heart of business operations. This is why leaders are among the most valuable person in society and in industry. These people make the wheels of industry turn and have made it possible for the growth of nations

What are some of the key features of leadership?

  • A leader must understand the problem-solution continuum, the iterative process of responding to and reframing problems and solutions.
  • A leader must be a strong originator of ideas. That person must be able to create ideas, stay focused on an idea, and follow through till completion.
  • A leader must be able to pursue one line of thoughts till completion to the exclusion of others, which requires guts, you need the ability to believe in and follow your instinct.
  • A leader must be decisive: the ability to make decisions and act on them is critical.
  • A leader will have a highly evolved will and the ability to concentrate on one thing. The will is an intellectual faculty that can be developed at any age.
  • A good leader must also be an intelligent follower: realizing that they themselves may not have access to all of the relevant facts, they must have the ability to listen to and internalise the advice of experts.
  • Related to the point above, all strong leaders will have a deep appreciation for the creative abilities of others.
Lesson 21 – Leadership – Part 2

In order to be successful as an employee, all a person needs to do is to make certain that they are a vital part of their organisation. In the analogy of the ship discussed earlier. They must be part of the crew and not the cargo. No leader wants to let anyone go, but they must think about the organisation as a whole, and think of the customers news and resources, and make the best decision for the organisation based on those considerations.

As a leader, if someone has made himself or herself the cargo, that is not your mistake. It is why people are laid off. Of course you can help people, you can guide them, but you cannot do the work for them. This position is controversial, so as a leader it is up to you to decide upon the most effective approach for you. Leadership is a personal journey. What we are doing here is offering the approach that has worked for us, based on research and experience.

Tips and tools for the aspiring leader: If you are an aspiring leader, develop your ability to make suggestions and to contribute to the discussion. Speak up! You must have the confidence of your convictions, and if your idea is shut down, do not get frustrated, you simply need to go back and explain that idea in a different way. Have the courage to persist and to be calm in the face of opposition.

Other tips and tools for leadership:

  • Call people by their first names, it’s an effective way to build relationships
  • Develop patience
  • Have faith that what should come to you, will come to you. Have patience.
  • Become a sponge for learning and information – you do not have to spend years making the same mistakes because you can learn from the mistakes of others. You can accelerate your success by learning from others.
  • Work with agreement with your team. Include them in decision-making and allow them to make their own decisions.
  • You should always operate with complete ethics, be direct, be honest, be sincere and be friendly.

To summarise this section and this programme: everything about you, everything operates by the natural laws as everything in nature operates by laws and not by luck. Look about you now, take stock of your present results and your situation. These are the result of your past thinking. Are you happy? Is this what you want? Is there some element of your situation that you wish to transform? If so, it is through changing your thinking and working with the laws of nature that will enable you to change your results, and engineer the life you want. You will reach what you want to achieve and you will harvest what you have sown by understanding the power that resides in your own mind. This is The Power of Learning from DAD.