Lesson 19: Ways

Lesson 19 : Ways – Part 1

Lesson 19 : Ways – Part 1 MP3

Lesson 19 : Ways – Part 2

Lesson 19 : Ways – Part 2 MP3


Lesson 19 – Ways – Part 1

When we talk about ways, in this lesson, we are referring to the ways we think, the way we act and the way we behave. Ways are really the key to success. If you do certain things in a certain way, every day, you will succeed. Some of the ways that are essential in business and personal success include:

  • Operate with integrity and fairness: always be fair in your business transactions, this does not mean you cannot negotiate, but rather that you should operate with values and integrity.
  • Give more in use value to your consumer than you are asking for in cash value. In other words, make sure that you are enriching the life of others by making the money-service or money-product transaction; you are not taking from others.
  • Do not compete with anyone; competition involves a win-lose mindset. There is no need to compete, as there is an abundance of success and wealth for everyone. If you are selling or are in a sales position, the person to compete with is you
  • Form a clear and certain view of what you want: To attract exactly the thing, you want, it is not enough to have a general idea; you must form a clear picture of exactly the thing that you want to acquire.

These principles will enable us to achieve the goals that we desire, as they are aligned with the natural laws we have talked about in previous lessons. With the drive for expansion and growth inherent in nature, nature wants us to grow, to expand and to be successful. Indeed, the universe and all that is possible is seeking expression through us. Thus, our success is assured if only we know how to orientate ourselves towards it by utilizing the natural laws and taking charge of our thinking. The way to achieve more is to focus on and to express to nature exactly what you want. If you think riches and success you will attract it and live in the opulence that you desire.

In summary: there are ways of doing things that will enable you to achieve the success you seek. This success is an expression of the natural desire for growth and nature is indeed set up to facilitate growth. Know that you can achieve your goals with a firm understanding of the laws of nature; you can take charge of your thinking and redirect your results. How do you do this? Have a clear picture of what you wish to achieve, think about it often, dream about it even, impress this into your subconscious mind, use emotions to instigate actions, and when you do act, act in certain ways every day. If you do all of this, you will see that your desires will materialize.

Lesson 19 – Ways – Part 2

The key obstacle to us adopting the ways required to be successful described above are our paradigms, and particularly, our limiting self-beliefs. It is those voices that say you are you are too old or too young, too shy or too brash, that you couldn’t possibly do that , we must kick that voice out. This is because, to achieve success of the kind you desire, you must have standing strong behind your clear vision and desire for success, an unwavering faith that the thing you desire is already yours!!

It is important to see the things that you want as if they are already yours, and have gratitude for them, and make use of them in your imagination, until they arrive. Once you have that, everything becomes easy. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take action – when it comes to success creation there is a balance between the role and impact of your thinking and your actions. To better understand the balance, you must keep on reading this material, POLDAD, TIC and others.

Our path to success then is to intelligently formulate desires, arrange them into a coherent whole and impress them upon nature. We make this impression by holding on to a clear vision, backed by desire and faith. There is another important piece of the puzzle, and that piece is action. You cannot make an impression upon nature if you do not take action. Action is absolutely critical. And when you take the action, again you must have the firm believe that you will, through your action, arrive at your goal.

Let us return to the notion of acting in a certain way, to present these points in a different way:

Thought is a creative power and thinking in a certain way will bring success, but you cannot rely on thought alone. You must take personal action, and it is at this junction that many fail: they do not connect their thinking with action. It is the action that supplements the thought, and it is only through action that we realise the possibilities for the actualisation of our desires. It is action also that helps you to prepare for the moment when opportunity knocks, so we must not underestimate the importance of action in certain ways to achieving our goals.

“Through thought the thing that you want is brought to you, by action you receive it”

When should you act? We only have the present moment, take action now. There is never anytime but now and there never will be anytime but now. Do not dwell on the past or the future. You cannot act where you are not, and you cannot act where you are going to be, you can only act from the existing space of now. Once you have in mind the clear idea of the success we would like to achieve, the process of action must take place immediately. Alternatively put, if you have an idea you would like to achieve, you must act now.

“Do not wait for something to change before you take action. Act now. Make change yourself through your own actions and efforts.”