Lesson 17: Opportunity

Lesson 17 : Opportunity – Part 1

Lesson 17 : Opportunity – Part 1 MP3

Lesson 17 : Opportunity – Part 2

Lesson 17 : Opportunity – Part 2 MP3

Lesson 17 – Opportunity – Part 1

The supply of opportunities is infinite. There are, as at now, numerous opportunities available to you. When it comes to opportunities then, some key questions are, can we spot them and when we do, are we willing to take them?

We are never unsuccessful because opportunity has been taken away from us to be used by others. If one opportunity appears blocked, actively look for another. We sometimes behave like the fly that flies over and over again into a glass plain but does not notice that an adjacent window is wide open. The fly works hard but does not work smart. Thus, if one opportunity does not lead to the desired result, look around for others which will serve you better. When that opportunity is found, don’t let it pass, take it.

The thinking that we must overcome is that opportunities can be monopolised. For example, it is sometimes thought that bosses keep down workers or that bosses deny workers opportunities. This simply is not true. The law of success is the same for everyone. What tends to keep people down is a form of thinking that says that they cannot do or be anything else. Thus, if a person really wants to change their situation, they must first change their thinking by acknowledging that they have the power to change, to grow and to improve. This goes back to an earlier observation. There is no limit to the number of opportunities available. There is an abundance of opportunities. The supply is unlimited. The supply is infinite. When we shift to the abundance mind-set we begin to shift to a form of behaviour that allows us to thrive.

Once we understand that opportunities are infinite, how do we prepare ourselves to take opportunities forward? Opportunities move in different ways and at different times. In times of crisis, for example, opportunities seem scarce, but this is far from the truth. Even out of very difficult situations, like a financial crash, there are multiple opportunities to be found. These opportunities often manifest themselves when we become sensitive to the movements of the social tide. We need to be sensitive to shifting patterns in the environment to find opportunities that allow us to act on these shifts. This is what we mean when we say that opportunities move in different ways at different times. This is not the same as following the masses; this is about spotting shifts in in the flow of opportunities and pivoting to respond to newly emergent needs of people or anticipated changes in the zeitgeist.

We close this lesson by talking more explicitly about opportunities for wealth. People get confused about money, which is simply the harvest of your production, the amount of money you earn depends not just on who we are, but on the demand for what we do, our ability to do it, and the difficulty in replacing us. The opportunities to create wealth are also infinite. Presumably, this is why Bill Gates wrote: “if you were born poor, it is not your mistake, but if you die poor, that is your mistake.” The amount of money you earn is a flow, and it will consistently come if you are doing something that people want. To seize on more opportunities to make money, the question to ask is – how can I produce more valuable service? Never start with the question: how can I make more money? This question puts the cart before the horse. Money is a result of the valuable service you provide, focus on improving your service and the flow of money you earn will grow consequently.

Lesson 17 – Opportunity – Part 2

The desire for more is natural and it is healthy. Let us not confuse this desire with greed. Greed is snatching things away from people. What we are talking about is growth. Growth is aligning oneself with nature. It is the nature of intelligence to enlarge itself and the quality of consciousness to seek to expand its boundaries and find fuller expression. The universe itself is expanding, it is always moving towards more life, and nature is formed to facilitate the expansion of life. Thus we must do away with the idea that the desire for more is greedy. The desire for more is an impetus that we all have from nature, it is the desire for growth.

A second idea that we must do away with, which was introduced in the previous video, is that there is a shortage of opportunities or that opportunities can be monopolised. This view is, very simply, false. Opportunities are everywhere. There is an abundance of opportunities. This means that we cannot blame circumstances for our “lack” of opportunity. We are not kept poor or unhappy by others who monopolise opportunities, we are kept poor and unhappy because we do not know how to access the infinite supply of opportunities that exist in nature.

How do we access the infinite supply of opportunities? Whether or not opportunities are recognised and taken depends on you. To spot and take advantage of the infinite opportunities available, we simply need to tap into the infinite opportunities and abundance that is provided to us by nature itself. We do this through a process of influencing the subconscious mind described in previous lessons. In shifting the subconscious mind, what happens is that more opportunities – and remember there is an infinite supply – will be attracted to you because you and not your environment has changed – the opportunities were always there. In other words, opportunity is something presented to you because you have made it visible through your thinking. Once opportunities are presented to us, by means of this internal process of reprogramming the subconscious mind, it is up to you to take it.

To sum up this section: Your access to opportunities and your ability to act on them, i.e., your success, is not derived from your environment or upbringing. What we can say is that some environments are more favourable to success than others, and this means that one should be careful about the kind of environment that one chooses to engage in, wherever possible. However, no environment determines access to opportunities or to success. You can have two individuals living in the same area, perhaps even doing the same kinds of job, and yet one is phenomenally successful, and the other is not – the difference is not in circumstances but in attitude. It is our attitude and an understanding of the principles of nature that allow successful people to attract and capitalise on the opportunities that bring about their success.

The key thing to remember is that we are able to spot opportunities by tapping into the laws of nature, which require of us that we expand, and we grow.