Lesson 15: Wisdom

Lesson 15 : Wisdom – Part 1

Lesson 15 : Wisdom – Part 1 MP3

Lesson 15 : Wisdom – Part 2

Lesson 15 : Wisdom – Part 2 MP3


Lesson 15 – Wisdom – Part 1

In this lesson on wisdom, we will take a deep dive into the concept of the sixth sense. We have introduced the concept of the sixth-sense as the faculty of creative imagination activated by the specific use of the subconscious mind. The concepts and ideas discussed in this lesson are esoteric and at times controversial, however they represent our clear experience and investigations into this area. In our reasoning here we stand together with Wallace D Wattles, the thinker on the basis of whom the movie The Secret was written. We ask only that you consider these concepts, ask questions and complete your own research; this is essentially a journey of self-discovery.

The sixth sense is the portion of the subconscious mind that has been referred to previously as the creative imagination, intuition or our inner voice. We have said that it is through the sixth sense that we receive hunches; we receive innovative ideas or solutions that just “pop to mind” in a manner that occasionally surprises us and more often than not surprises the market. Thus, when investigating the sixth sense, the question that inevitably arises is: what or who is responsible for the messaging we receive by means of this sixth sense. It is our view that these messages come from two sources: our accurate detection of the vibrations of thoughts in the minds of others and/or from the vibrations of thought from nature itself, an infinite thinking intelligence, which permeates the whole of the universe.

One way to think about this is through the idea of a radio broadcasting system: through the medium of nature, in a fashion similar to that of a radio broadcast, every human brain is capable of a) broadcasting ideas through the vibrations that they send out through emotionalised thought and b) picking up vibrations given off by the thoughts being release by other brains and the vibrations given off my nature itself – the ultimate intangible. Let us start with the idea of receiving vibrations we will then move on to the idea of transmitting vibrations.

Receiving vibrations: When we get a hunch about something or someone, we are often actually picking up the vibrations of the thoughts from their mind by means of the faculty of the creative imagination. Our brains are also capable of picking up the vibrations given off by the universe itself – the ultimate intangible, when we ourselves are in heightened states of vibration. That is to say, when our own thinking is clear and elevated by strong positive emotions such as faith, or when we are transmuting strong desires into creative forms of expression, we become receptive to the thoughts of nature and these thoughts of nature communicate information to us.

Receiving vibrations: When we get a hunch about something or someone, we are often actually picking up the vibrations of the thoughts from their mind by means of the faculty of the creative imagination. Our brains are also capable of picking up the vibrations given off by the universe itself – the ultimate intangible, when we ourselves are in heightened states of vibration. That is to say, when our own thinking is clear and elevated by strong positive emotions such as faith, or when we are transmuting strong desires into creative forms of expression, we become receptive to the thoughts of nature and these thoughts of nature communicate information to us.

In summary: Through the process of internalising certain thoughts and habits, and emotionalising these, the subconscious mind is able to impress its own ideas on the minds of others and on infinite intelligence, and through the capacity of the sixth sense it is able to receive information from other conscious minds and from nature which it can use to act. Those who achieve astronomical success are fully aware of the power of the subconscious mind, and they utilise its capacity as both a sending and receiving centre of the brain. However the critical point to note is that every single person on the planet, in so far as they are conscious, can activate this powerful sending and receiving station, as it is located inside of them. By using these capacities of the mind, the whole universe opens up to you in thought and can be relied upon to support you to generate the results that you most desire.

Lesson 15 – Wisdom – Part 2

Thoughts are intangible forces, and perhaps they are the greatest intangible force that we can study and understand. Other intangible forces include scientific concepts such as gravity and sociological concepts such as culture. There is a certain level of mystery connected to intangible forces. It is hard to understand them in their entirety, but we can have a basic knowledge of some core principles through which they operate, and utilising this knowledge, we can create environments in which our desires can be realised. Indeed, it is only by understanding the operation of these intangible forces, especially as they relate to human psychology, that we can get out of our own ways, avoid self-sabotage and achieve success.

While the medium through which our thinking influences the subconscious mind is complex and not fully known, what we do know about the intangible forces, is that they operate by natural laws. Natural laws form patterns that can be studied. Our task is to understand the natural laws that apply to thought as best we can so that we might use them to create environments conducive to our success. It may well be that a full understanding of these laws of thought is impossible in principle. However, what is clear is that constant study is needed to edge closer to a clearer and more complete understanding.

It was professor Clayton Christiansen who said that, to understand success, we need to understand the difference between the laws of nature and manmade laws. Natural laws apply to all individuals at all time. There is no way to bypass natural laws either; we are all subject to them. In the case of the intangible of thought, some natural laws are contained in common or collective wisdom. For example, it is said that an idle man’s brain is a devils workshop. This is based on the common sense observation of the natural law of thought that, if you want something to happen in your life, you must take charge of your thinking first. Another natural law of thought is that worrying compounds worries and as such you should not worry until the worry worries you. There are many of these laws to draw up, analyse and record the core principle contained there, and throughout the programme we have shared with you many natural laws as they relate to the greatest intangible: thought

To sum up this section: In the past we have focused on understanding the operation of the five external senses, and thus far we have excelled in that study. Into the future, we will wish to turn our attention to the study of our internal capacities, particularly the study of thought, to the subconscious mind and of the sixth sense. We are entering a new era in which we will learn to place new import on the study of the dimensions and operations of self.