TypeOnline Course
Student Enrolled29
(1 ratings)
Section 1DesireFree Preview
Lesson 1: Desire – Short Lesson
Lesson 1 : Desire – Short Lesson

This video addresses the following question(s):

  • What is the import of desire to success creation?
  • What steps can I take to reach my goal?
  • What is the difference between creation and competition?
Section 2AttitudeFree Preview
Lesson 2: Attitude – Short Lesson
Lesson 2 : Attitude – Short Lesson

This video will address the following question(s):

  • What is attitude?
  • Why is attitude important?
  • In what way can your attitude positively impact on your success?
Section 3DecisionFree Preview
Lesson 3: Decision – Short Lesson
Lesson 3 : Decision – Short Lesson
This video will address the following points:

  • The ability to make decisions is key to your success
  • Make decisions from the perspective of your purpose and the result that you are after, rather than from the perspective of overcoming a particular obstacle that you currently face
  • Use your intuition when making decisions
Section 4ActionFree Preview
Lesson 4: Action – Short Lesson
Lesson 4 : Action – Short Lesson
In this video we will cover many principles required for successful action. Including:

  • That a successful action is simply an action that is efficient and effective
  • How to shift your perspective to produce more successful actions
  • How to increase the number of your successful actions, creating a snowball effect of successful results which compound
Section 5GratitudeFree Preview
Lesson 5: Gratitude – Short Lesson
Lesson 5 : Gratitude – Short Lesson
In this video we will be discussing

  • Cultivating the attitude of gratitude
  • Gratitude as a force which brings forward more possibilities
  • Why gratitude helps you to stay positive and grounded
  • The connection between gratitude and faith
Section 6FaithFree Preview
Lesson 6: Faith – Short Lesson
Lesson 6 : Faith – Short Lesson
In this video, we will discuss the following:

  • What is faith and why is it important
  • The relationship between faith and fear
  • Why faith will emerge as a key concept in leadership and industry in the future
Section 7KnowledgeFree Preview
Lesson 7: Knowledge – Short Lesson
Lesson 7 : Knowledge – Short Lesson
In this video, we will discuss the following:

  • Why is specialist knowledge in an area of interest critical for success?
  • What is a mastermind, and why should you have one?
  • How can you gain better results by thinking of yourself as a corporation?
Section 8ImaginationFree Preview
Lesson 8: Imagination – Short Lesson
Lesson 8 : Imagination – Short Lesson
In this video, you will be introduced to

  • The two types of imaginative faculty: creative and synthetic
  • The role of the creative imagination in success creation
  • The role of the synthetic imagination in success creation
Section 9PlanningFree Preview
Lesson 9: Planning – Short Lesson
Lesson 9 : Planning – Short Lesson
In this lesson we focus on the concept of persistence, and will cover:

  • Why persistence is key to planning
  • Why leadership is key to planning
  • The leadership skills that are needed to successfully implement plans
Section 10PersistenceFree Preview
Lesson 10: Persistence – Short Lesson
Lesson 10 : Persistence – Short Lesson
In this video, we will be covering the following:

  • What is persistence and what are its related features?
  • Why is persistence crucial to success?
  • How do you cultivate the attitude of persistence to improve your chances of success?
Section 11InfluenceFree Preview
Lesson 11: Influence – Short Lesson
Lesson 11 : Influence – Short Lesson
In this video, the important concept of influence is discussed in depth. We will cover:

  • Why the most powerful form of influence is the influence you can have over yourself
  • How exerting self-influence can be used to attract more of the things that you would like in life
  • Why, as you set on your path to achieve your goal, you should not be overly influenced by the opinions of others
Section 12FriendsFree Preview
Lesson 12: Friends – Short Lesson
Lesson 12 : Friends – Short Lesson
In this lesson, we will cover the following areas:

  • Being intentional about who to include in your friendship groups
  • The ways in which your friendship groups can be a source personal power
  • How masterminds work and the role they play in success creation
Section 13StimuliFree Preview
Lesson 13: Stimuli – Short Lesson
Lesson 13 : Stimuli – Short Lesson
In this video, we will discuss the concept of stimuli. In particular, we will look at:

  • Ways of transmuting stimuli, which are strong desires and impulses
  • How to activate your sixth sense, also called your intuition or your faculty of creative imagination
Section 14MindFree Preview
Lesson 14: Mind – Short Lesson
Lesson 14 : Mind – Short Lesson
In this lesson, we will discuss the mind, and in particular, the following topics:

  • The power of the subconscious mind to direct actions through habit formation
  • How to orient yourself in such a ways as to control the ideas that enter into the subconscious mind, specifically eliminating any negativity reaching the subconscious mind
  • How the subconscious mind can be orientated to the vibrational frequency of infinite intelligence
Section 15WisdomFree Preview
Lesson 15: Wisdom – Short Lesson
Lesson 15 : Wisdom – Short Lesson
In these videos we will discuss the knowledge that is locked up in the study of the intangible forces of nature. In particular we will discuss:

  • The function and operation of the subconscious mind, including the use and operation of the “sixth sense”
  • How to use the subconscious mind to attract the objects of desire and how to use the sixth sense to receive information from the natural world, coming to us by way of intuition, hunches and those aha moments

The mysterious nature of intangible forces and the need for further research into these forces to further advance human development and human potential

Section 16ImpressionFree Preview
Lesson 16: Impression – Short Lesson
Lesson 16 : Impression – Short Lesson
In this lesson on impressions, we will cover:

  • The importance of placing more weight on the impression you have of yourself
  • How to improve the impression you make on others?
  • What is the difference between giving and trading?
Section 17OpportunityFree Preview
Lesson 17: Opportunity – Short Lesson
Lesson 17 : Opportunity – Short Lesson
In this lesson on opportunity, we will cover the following:

  • Why there is an abundance of opportunities
  • Why opportunity cannot be monopolised
  • How to tap into the infinite supply of opportunities
Section 18LawsFree Preview
Lesson 18: Laws – Short Lesson
Lesson 18 : Laws – Short Lesson
Throughout these videos, we have made reference to the “laws of nature”. You might be wondering, what are some of these natural laws? In these lessons we will be introducing and discussing the following laws of nature:

  • Law of perpetual transmutation
  • Law of relativity
  • Law of vibration and attraction
  • Law of polarity
  • Law of rhythm
  • Law of cause and effect
  • Law of gender
Section 19WaysFree Preview
Lesson 19: Ways – Short Lesson
Lesson 19 : Ways – Short Lesson
In this lesson we will be talking about the specific ways of thinking and acting that lead to success. The questions we will cover are:

  • What are the ways of thinking and acting that lead to success?
  • Why is thought the foundation of success?
  • Why do we need to act from the present to achieve success?
Section 20CharacterFree Preview
Lesson 20: Character – Short Lesson
Lesson 20 : Character – Short Lesson
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics:

  • How is character related to thinking?
  • What kind of thinking, or character, is required to achieve success?
  • How good character or good thinking mixed with a sense of purpose will catapult you to success?
Section 21LeadershipFree Preview
Lesson 21: Leadership – Short Lesson
Lesson 21 : Leadership – Short Lesson
What is leadership and what are the qualities of a great leader? In this final lesson, we take a deep dive into leadership.

Among the topics that we will cover are:

  • The characteristics of an effective leader
  • Leadership as a mind-game: leaders as individuals who understand the human mind and the laws of nature