Section 1Setting GoalsFree Preview

Lesson One Worksheet Lesson One MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Distinguish between the different types of goals. Type A goals are what you already know how to do. Type B goals are what you think you can do. Type C goals are your wants. What you really want. Type C goals come from your dreams and are conceived through the use of your imagination.
  • Understand that a true goal is something which you have never done before. A goal is designed to help you grow, it causes you to draw something from yourself that you didn’t know was there.
  • Be inspired to accomplish what you really want and recognise that your inspiration is going to have to come from inside.
  • Recognise that your beliefs play a big part in setting and achieving goals
  • Take a close look at your belief system and challenge it.
  • Ask whether you have sound reasons for your beliefs.
  • Question where your beliefs come from.
  • Examine whether changing your beliefs can change your life.
  • Explore how to change your beliefs.
  • Refuse to let anything that is going on outside of you, stop you
  • Study the learnings from Earl Nightingale ‘A worthy destination’
  • Set and capture your C type Personal, Educational and Professional goals in your Assignments, on your Smartphone and Goal Card
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 1 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review on an ongoing basis
Section 2Bridging The GapFree Preview

Lesson Two Worksheet Lesson Two MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Understand the enormous difference between what most students, teachers or any human beings know and what they do.  The world is not very interested in what you know. The only people who are recognised are the ones who can do things, who get the job done.
  • Identify the two parts of the mind –  the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. The conscious mind is what connects us to the world through our senses – we hear, see, smell, taste and touch. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that expresses whatever is impressed upon it. The expression is what we refer to as doing.
  • Learn that a paradigm is a multitude of habits. A habit is an idea that is fixed in a person’s subconscious mind that causes them to do something without any conscious thought. A paradigm is what causes our habitual behaviour.
  • Be aware that we sometimes do things we do not want to do, get results we do not want, but do it anyway. This is because of the paradigm in the subconscious mind that controls our actions or behaviours.
  • Recognise that for a person to experience a permanent change in their personal, academic and professional life, there must be a change in the primary cause of their results.
  • Avoid changing behaviour because change is generally temporary.  Although behaviour causes results,  it is a secondary cause. The primary cause is the  paradigm.
  • Understand that knowing is not enough to get results. Results come from behaviour, and behaviour is caused by the paradigm. The results tell an interesting story, they tell the world an interesting and true story of how the person is programmed.
  • Recognise our programming in our academic and personal life so that we can begin to change it and significantly improve results and indeed our character.
  • Change our paradigms and see how the behaviour changes, the results change and our character changes.
  • Gain insight into the concept that high achievers are not successful because of what they know, but because of what they do. This is because they have learned how to master the knowing-doing gap. Their paradigms are aligned with the results they desire.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘How Much Are you Worth’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 2 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.
Section 3The Power Of Your MindFree Preview

Lesson Three Worksheet Lesson Three MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Examine Paradigms more deeply.  Paradigm is a term used to describe a mass of information that is programmed into an individual’s subconscious mind, genetically at the moment of conception and then environmentally after birth. This information, or the paradigm, is then expressed in behavioural patterns producing the results a person gets in life.
  • Be aware that the paradigm is what structures a person’s logic.
  • Gain a deep understanding of paradigms and how they  shape a person’s perception.
  • Recognise paradigms have enormous influence over the use of a person’s conscious faculties, if and when they use their imagination, they will generally unconsciously use it in a negative manner against themselves. An individual will create an image in their mind where they see the conditions and circumstance as the dominant role and they become subservient to them which puts them in a position that prevents them from moving forward.
  • Understand that in order for an individual to make a shift in logic and break out of that box to freedom, then understanding, courage, and determination is required.
  • Be aware that paradigms are either positive or negative and are expressed in either positive or negative results. If a person experiences recurring negative results, it is important that they understand the cause of the problem does not lie with the circumstances or conditions outside of them, the cause is within—it lies with their paradigm.
  • Understand that it is the paradigm which attracts the conditions or circumstances that contribute to the problem. With the proper understanding an individual has the ability to change the paradigm.
  • Identify the results that you want to improve in your life and understand that results are the manifestation of an image held in your subconscious mind. It is a part of your perception of what you are capable of achieving or accomplishing.
  • Improve your habits and change paradigms which will have an effect on all areas of your life, not just your academic life.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted by Earl Nightingale, ‘Acres Of Diamonds’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 3 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.
Section 4The Stick PersonFree Preview

Lesson Four Worksheet Lesson Four MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Define what the mind is and be more effective.
  • Understand that behaviour is the cause of results—the secondary cause. For permanent improvement in results, you must go to the primary cause, which is the cause of the behaviour, and that is the subconscious programming— the paradigm.
  • Learn that the conscious mind is the thinking mind, the educated mind. The subconscious mind is the emotional mind. The conscious mind receives information from the outside world through the five sensory factors: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
  • See that you have the ability to create an image of what you would like the future to be like. By impressing that picture upon the sub-conscious mind (letting yourself get emotionally involved with the image), the image will ultimately move into form with and through you.
  • Objectively view another person’s behaviour and understand what is going on in their mind.
  • Understand that every person has genius locked up within them. The essence of who they are, is perfect. That perfection has been buried in old virus codes or paradigms. Thinking Into Character is designed to help you bring these deep reservoirs of potential to the surface.
  • Feel the tremendous energy that flows to and through you.
  • Harness your ability to create dreams, originate ideas or discover solutions to problems from this energy as it flows into your conscious mind.
  • Realise that the only limits placed on these dreams are the limits that you consciously choose to place on them.
  • Become emotionally involved with your dreams as you move them from your conscious to your subconscious mind.
  • Learn that ‘feeling’ is a word to describe our conscious awareness of the vibration we are in.
  • Understand that when you find that you are not feeling good, know that you are emotionally involved with the wrong idea.
  • Learn that you can always tell what is happening on the inside by what’s happening on the outside.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘It is easier to win’
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 4 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously review, rewrite and review  on an ongoing basis.
Section 5Miracle of Your MindFree Preview

Lesson Five Worksheet Lesson Five MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn that you are programmed to live from the ‘outside in’. This programming causes a tendency for us to become the play-thing for outside forces.
  • Study your higher mental faculties: memory, reason, perception, imagination, will and intuition.
    • Memory. Our memory is perfect. There are only weak memories and strong memories. They merely require exercise to strengthen them.
    • Reason: Reason is what gives us the ability to think. Thinking is our highest function. It is our inductive reasoning faculty that gives us the ability to originate individual thoughts and bring them together in the formation of ideas.
    • Perception: Our perception is our point of view. When we see something that causes us to think something cannot be done, we can change our perception of the situation and originate an idea as to how it can be done.
    • Imagination: Imagination creates dreams. The ‘Thinking Into Character’ Programme originated from a dream. The creative process spans three stages: dream, theory, fact. It is important to remember that without the aid of your imagination there could be no creation in your life. Someone else will always be the star in your film. Everything is created twice. First with imagination in your mind. Second, when it manifests in your material world.
    • Will: Will gives you the ability to hold one picture on the screen of your mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions.
    • Intuition: It is with your intuition that you pick up vibrations and translate those vibrations in your mind. Your intuition permits you to know what is happening around you.
  • Stop permitting the outside world to control your mind. Objectively observe what is going on in your outside world.
  • Take a look at your results, adapt and start a new train of thought. You will learn to stay in charge of you. Do not let the outside world control you. You control the outside world.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale’s ‘Miracle of Your Mind’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 5 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.
Section 6Creating Your ResultsFree Preview

Lesson Six Worksheet Lesson Six MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn that you are programmed within the deep recesses of your mind with a perception of what you are, who you are and what you are worth. This is referred to as an inner self-image.
  • Understand that you also have an outer image. It is the one that you project to the world by the way you walk, talk, dress and meet and greet other people. That image is the outer expression of the inner image.
  • View your results as a reflection of what is going on internally. If you have a negative or bad image of yourself, your results are going to be a reflection of that image. You are the only person in the entire world that has the ability to alter or improve your self-image.
  • Improve your life.  There is an image of perfection that is resident in the centre of your consciousness. The more you move in the direction of that image, the more your life will improve. There is no end to the good that you can experience as you develop a greater awareness of the perfection that does lie within you.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘Destiny in the Balance’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 6 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously review, rewrite and review on an ongoing basis.
Section 7Breaking the Terror BarrierFree Preview

Lesson Seven Worksheet Lesson Seven MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn about the Terror Barrier.  Any time you set a goal that results in skipping a couple of rungs on the ladder of success, you will come up against The Terror Barrier.
  • Realise that with any major change in your behaviour, the terror barrier will instantly and automatically be standing between you and the good that you desire. When this happens you have a choice—you can step back into safety and continue to experience the same results year after year, or you can be courageous and experience the growth that you have been seeking.
  • Study the Four Steps in the Psychological Process of Experiencing Growth Dealing With the Terror Barrier:
    • Step A Bondage:  This is when you are getting limiting or ‘X-type’ results.  ‘X’ is the unknown factor which represents limiting thoughts or results.
    • Step B Reason: This second step in the psychological process is called ‘Reason’.  This is when you reason with yourself that you wish to change your results and you choose different thoughts and create an idea of living a life that you do want.  A person in Reason phase is thinking ‘Y’ type thoughts. However, the ‘Y’ type thoughts are in the conscious mind only and have not been internalised and therefore they do not act on it.
    • Step C Conflict: The third step is ‘Conflict’  The individual needs to become emotionally involved with the new ‘Y’ idea.  To do that, they must ask two questions: 1. Am I able to do this? And 2, am I willing to do whatever it takes. The answer is Yes.
    • This is the moment that Y-Type idea is impressed upon the X-Type conditioning. The electrical system in the individual’s body then goes haywire and they are in an ‘XY’ vibration.  The ‘Y’ idea represents the new positive idea that the person wishes to implement. The ‘X’ represents the limiting conditioning.  Worry, fear and anxiety will strike!
    • This is because the new positive ‘Y’ idea is driving them ahead and the negative ‘X’ conditioning if pulling them back.
    • The conflict makes it so they cannot go ahead, they don’t want to go back and they cannot stay where they are.  Going ahead is the solution and it is how their life will improve.
    • However a lack of understanding of exactly what is taking place inside the person causes the person to retreat to familiar territory.
    • They quickly bounce off the ‘Terror Barrier’ all the way back to Bondage. It is comfortable and they settle for it.
    • Step D Terror Barrier: 
      Whenever you make a serious change to your life such as entertaining a ‘Y’ type idea and moving out of your comfort zone, you will run up against the ‘Terror Barrier’.  The ‘Terror Barrier’ will instantly and automatically be standing between you and the good you desire.
    • At the point of ‘Conflict’ is when you will hit the ‘Terror Barrier’.  One of two things will happen at this stage.  You will either hit it and step back into ‘Bondage’ or you will break through it to ‘Freedom’.
    • It is YOUR choice – you can step back into safety and continue to experience the same results year after year, or you can be courageous and experience the growth that you have been seeking.
    • Accept that the solution is that you will need to experience the fear, the worry and the anxiety.
    • It is the understanding of what is causing the fear which enables you to get through the ‘Terror Barrier’.
    • You cannot let a fear of failing stop you from going through ‘The Terror Barrier’. You only fail when you stop trying.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Thomas Troward, ‘The Principle of Guidance’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 7 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Section 8Your Beliefs with BehaviourFree Preview

Lesson Eight Worksheet Lesson Eight MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Study Napoleon Hill’s quote, “No one is ready for a thing, until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish.”
  • Learn that your belief system is based upon your evaluation of something and frequently  if we re-evaluate situations, your belief about those situations will change. You will never go beyond where you BELIEVE you can go.
  • Learn how Praxis is the integration of belief with behaviour.
  • Understand that we have belief on two levels. Belief in our educated mind, based on logic, based on what we see and on the information that we gather. Then we have belief on a very deep level, on a subconscious level; belief that controls our behaviour and is part of the paradigm.
  • Believe that you can do anything, but you’ve got to really believe it; without BELIEF, it is not going to happen. The thoughts that we internalise set up the vibration, vibration causes the action, action causes the reaction. It’s the action/reaction that creates the result BELIEF—you’ve got to believe it can be.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘Seed for Achievement’.
  • Study the learnings from ‘Seed for Achievement’ adapted from Earl Nightingale.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 8 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Section 9The Magic WordFree Preview

Lesson Nine Worksheet Lesson Nine MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn about the power flowing to and through you.  As it flows into your consciousness, you are going to make it either positive or negative by virtue of the thoughts you choose.
  • Study the Law of Polarity which states everything has an opposite.  Up, down. Hot, cold, In, out. Positive or negative.  There is a positive and negative pole, and you must have both to have anything.
  • Understand how the conscious mind has the ability to accept, reject or ignore.  As ideas and information come into our mind, we have the ability to determine whether we want to accept it or whether we want to let that be part of our life.
  • Stop internalising negative information.  When someone shares information that is negative, reject it.  Do not entertain it and do not internalise it.
  • Study the conscious mind which is the thinking mind also known as the education mind.  This is where our intellectual factors are resident. This is where your sensory factors are hooked up. You can see, smell, taste, hear and touch.
  • See how the subconscious mind can only ‘accept’. It accepts everything that comes to it as real. The subconscious mind has no ability to differentiate between what is real and what is imagined.
  • Learn how whatever is impressed upon the subconscious mind controls the vibration of the body.  Your vibration is dictated by the ideas that you impress upon your subconscious mind. Negative idea, you are going to move into a bad vibration.  Positive idea, you will instantly move into a positive vibration.
  • Understand that when you learn how the mind functions, you can control the outside world.
  • Understand how no-one can cause you to think something you do not want to think.  You have the freedom to think anything you want.
  • Learn how your ATTITUDE is going to determine where you go in life.  It is the foundation of either failure or success.
  • Bad attitude equals bad results.  Good attitude equals good results!
  • Your attitude is a composite of your thoughts, your feelings and your actions which is an energy that you send out to the universe. Whatever you send out to the universe will come back to you.
  • Learn that everything has good and bad in it.
  • A positive attitude is infectious and everyone will pick up on your positive energy!
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘Attitude’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 9 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Section 10The Most Valuable Person
Lecture 10Free Preview

Lesson Ten Worksheet Lesson Ten MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn to become an intelligent follower. Become the best follower that you are capable of becoming. The person who is not a good follower is never going to be an effective leader.
  • Recognise that a great leader has a great attitude. A leader will automatically look for and find the good in others.
  • Learn how leaders create an environment that bring out the good in others which is why the leader is the person others want to follow.
  • Understand how an effective leader understands who they are, takes control of their own life and leads themselves in the direction they want to The effective leader knows how to give themselves a command and follow it. Effective leaders understand their creative abilities; they know they have the capacity to create anything they want in their world, whether it is on an individual basis or as the leader of a team or organisation.
  • See how an effective leader maintains a good attitude regardless of what is going on outside.
  • Learn that leaders know where they are going and although they have plans, they do not know how they are going to get there. They only know they are going to get there. They will change their plan but never the goal.
  • Understand if a person is not prepared to do more than they are being paid for, they will never be paid for more than what they are doing.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Earl Nightingale, ‘The Person on the White Horse’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 10 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Lecture 11Introduction
Lecture 12Leadership 101
Lecture 13Key features of leaders summarised (Chris Haggerty, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale)
Lecture 14Additional attributes of a great leader (Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale)
Lecture 15Summary & reflection
Section 11A Valuable Destination
Lecture 16Free Preview

Lesson Eleven Worksheet Lesson Eleven MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Learn about the concept of the ‘impression of increase’ which is to leave someone you meet feeling good about themselves and about their interaction with you, regardless of whether you will see them again or not.
  • Start looking for what other people do well. Bring it to their attention. Let them know you notice it. Leave the impression of increase with every person you meet.
  • Understand that energy always returns to its source of origination. Give and you shall receive. If you can incorporate this into your thinking, you are going to have a richer life.
  • See the best in other people and know when you leave someone with the impression of increase, that positive energy will flow to and through you first. When you see the best in other people, in your Educational Institution, in other situations and circumstances, you are going to be in a phenomenal vibration. You are going to feel good all the time.
  • Develop the ‘Impression of Increase’ in your character. The compensation is phenomenal. It goes beyond the scope of your imagination.
  • Learn that you do not get rich by doing certain things – you get rich by doing things in a certain way. (The certain way is by law.)
  • Give your best. The law says what you give is what comes back.  It does not matter what anybody else is doing. You want to make certain that you are one of the most effective human beings you could ever be. Do things in a certain way.
  • Learn how what you think controls your emotions; and your emotions control the vibration that your body is in. Your vibration controls your action and your action controls the reaction of the universe that you are a part of.   It is when the action and reaction meet that your results are manifested.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Thomas Troward, ‘Touching Lightly’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 11 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition:  Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Lecture 17Introduction
Lecture 18The impression of increase
Lecture 19Wallis D Wallis/Impression of Increase
Lecture 20How do you create the impression of increase?
Lecture 21Doing certain things in a certain way everyday
Lecture 22The natural laws
Lecture 23What you put out comes back
Lecture 24You become what you think about
Lecture 25Decide to be the best, be flixiable
Lecture 26The law of compensaton
Lecture 27Summary & Reflection
Section 12It's Easy to Win
Lecture 28Free Preview
Lesson 12: IT IS EASY TO WIN

Lesson Twelve Worksheet Lesson Twelve MP3
In this Lesson you will:
  • Understand that trying harder is not necessarily the solution for achieving more. It may not offer any promise for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes in fact, it is a big part of the problem. If you stake your hopes on a breakthrough by trying harder than ever, you may ruin your chances for success.
  • See that we have been programmed as part of our paradigm, part of our habitual behaviour, to take logical, progressive steps.
  • Study the concept of You2 in the book by Price Pritchett (also contained in Recommended Reading List) and see how an explosive jump in your personal performance will put you far beyond the next logical step. The concept is one of exponential gains rather than incremental progress.
  • Realise that quantum leaps come without apparent effort. These are high velocity moves that carry you to dramatically higher performance levels without a time consuming struggle. Quantum leaps can happen by applying the concepts in this toolbox.
  • See every challenge is a learning opportunity. Get excited about the opportunities to learn.
  • Be very selective about the people with whom you share your dreams or thoughts of You2. The vast majority of people have no understanding that they truly do have the potential to multiply their effectiveness.
  • Practice choosing your thoughts. You become what you think about. You can reject or internalise those thoughts. The thoughts you internalise are impressed upon your heart—the universal subconscious What is impressed upon the heart controls who and what you are at that moment. The repetition of certain thoughts eventually become fixed in your subconscious mind and keep you in that vibration and controls the results that you will achieve. THINK – Be in control of what you think. Do not permit people, conditions or circumstances to control your thinking. Be aware of what is happening around you.
  • Make up your mind that regardless of what you did in the past, you are going to do something phenomenal in the future.
  • Study the learnings from the reading article in the Student’s Handbook for this lesson, adapted from Albert E N Gray, ‘The Common Denominator’.
  • Review this lesson and continue to examine your answers and responses you are providing for each section.
  • Develop a high awareness level by reviewing Lesson 12 on a regular basis and again 12 months after completing the programme.
  • Learn the value of repetition: Continuously Review, Rewrite and Review again on an ongoing basis.
Lecture 29Introduction
Lecture 30One day at a time
Lecture 31Prioritizing is key
Lecture 32(Students) success is cumulative
Lecture 33It's easy to win
Lecture 346 tips for everyday planning
Lecture 35Summary